Tendring District Council's Community Safety team has been working alongside their IT department to create a new system for the recording of their antisocial behaviour cases / enforcement cases. This system is now fully operational.
The new system allows members of the public to complete an online reporting form which will automatically generate a case on their system. This will enable their ASB officers to carry out their risk assessment and respond accordingly, this will help them confirm as a Council that they are also prioritising cases as they are reported to the Council. Using this system to report ASB / Enforcement issues is the quickest and most efficient way to report issues.
The link to report to Community Safety at Tendring District Council is as follows: Report Anti - Social Behaviour - Please remember where possible it is best to have this form completed by the person experiencing the ASB. Not everyone can report online so you can still report on 01255 686359, however the number is only covered during office hours.
What can I report to Tendring District Council - ASB Team
- Nuisance from cars / bikes (loud music emanating from vehicles / Anti-Social Driving, incl Speeding / mini moto's / loud motorbikes / loud exhausts). This does not include Parking issues.
- Flyposting
- Vandalism / Criminal Damage
- Graffiti
- Street drinking
- Begging
- Low Level ASB
- Neighbour Disputes
The Council ASB Team will not usually act in circumstances such as the following:
- One-off noisy party within reasonable times
- Normal living noises, such as walking across the floor, closing doors, flushing the toilet etc
- Noise from children playing
- Personal differences/family disputes
- Disagreements about parking
- Civil disputes such as boundary issues
- Groups of young people gathering who are not acting in an intimidating manner
What shall I Report to Essex Police.
- Criminal damage
- Hoax calls to emergency services
- Intimidation / harassment
- Drug / substance misuse and drug dealing
- Prostitution
- Violence
- Knife Crime
- Domestic Abuse
- Exploitation in all forms
Reports to Essex Police can be made via call 999 in an emergency, 101 in non-emergencies or by using the live chat function on Essex Police Website
The Rural Engagement Team at Essex Police Headquarters deal with wildlife crime across the county. One area they are focusing on is the theft of dogs.
Fortunately, dog theft is very low in Essex, but the fear of losing a beloved pet can cause owner's concern.
They have produced a leaflet for the public giving crime prevention advice as well as sign posting their Dog Watch scheme. Please click HERE to access their leaflet.