
Bradfield Parish Council Objection to Planning Application 23/00544/VOC, The Strangers Home, The Street, Bradfield

Thursday 4th May 2023

The Strangers Home, The Street, Bradfield, Planning Application Reference - 23/00544/VOC, Application under Section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act. To allow a variation of condition 5 (Caravan Occupation Dates) of 20/01556/FUL

Bradfield Parish Council wishes to formally register their objection to this application for the planning reasons stated below:

The application is confusing, in that the header of the application refers to the applicant's desire to vary the Occupation Dates of the caravans on the site of the Strangers Home. However, the text of the Design and Access Statement (DAS) and the Agent's supplementary report supplied to Bradfield Parish Council, indicates that the application desires to vary only the opening dates for the site itself, and the Caravan Occupancy dates would remain unchanged.

The Strangers Home has historically been a seasonal Holiday Park, which under the previous ownership was well run. During that ownership there was never any intention to open the park for 12 months of the year.

In the supplementary document and the DAS, the applicant's agent states that they have had pre-application discussions with Planning Officer Amy Lang, during which certain statements were made by the planning officer regarding existing planning conditions which would remain, even if this application were approved.

Were these discussions formal Pre-Application meetings? Is there a record of those discussions? It is difficult to properly understand the true nature of this application, and the intentions of the applicants without understanding what those statements from the Planning Officer contained.

The Strangers Home is located in the Bradfield Conservation Area. The Parish Council has real concerns that an 'all year' operation will significantly change the character of the site. The seasonal nature of a facility providing short-term camping and caravanning for tourists would change entirely and the ability to monitor Caravan Occupancy Restrictions would be impossible.
This application (supported by the DAS and the Agent's Supplementary Report) gives only economic viability reasons for requiring 'all-year opening'.

The applicant's justification for this application for all year opening, is contained in the DAS, which states, " allow the pub to organise Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas & New Year parties & events on the campsite & public house...."

However, the current authorised opening dates allow the Strangers Home site to open between the 1st March until the 2nd January the following year. All of the above events are on dates which fall within the current permitted opening dates!

Therefore, the need for this application is not justified.